About Me

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I am a 20 something wife and mother. Allen is my wonderful husband and Wyatt is our energetic son. We have a yorkie, Parker, and that is enough! Join us on our journey though life!

Wednesday, March 23

Hop on board...

Look at that sweet smile!

Parker enjoying the sandbox with Wyatt.

Wyatt and Allen decided that the swimming pool would be a good idea .


  1. you sooooo sound like me, starting something and not finishing it. I don't blog every day or even every week but I do enjoy it when I have something to tell about. (It's a good way to brag about what our babys do too - wink, wink!)

  2. Love that sweet smile in the first pic. I'm sure you will be good about keeping it up!

  3. I think it is great, will be reading!
